Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tony Diaz

Tony Diaz
El Librotraficante. Novelist. Founder of Nuestra Palabra. We promote & defend Latino Lit. Co-host the NP radio show on 90.1 FM, KPFT, Houston. MFA & blk belt.
Houston, TX ·
El Librotraficante. Novelista. Fundador de Nuestra Palabra.
 Nos promoción y defensa de la literatura latino.
 Co-anfitrión del programa de radio NP en 90.1 FM, KPFT, de Houston. AMF y la correa del negro.


Members of Congress who propose changing the eligibility age for Medicare are correct -- but they're headed in the wrong direction.

We believe they should change it to zero!

Our country ranks first in money spent on healthcare, but 45th in life expectancy.  One reason is the incredible waste of the private insurance industry, and the additional waste of subsidizing it.

Medicare could use many improvements, but it is an order of magnitude more efficient than the for-profit corporations.

Raising the age for Medicare could leave hundreds of thousands of seniors uninsured, as states with budget deficits fail to expand Medicaid, and as the Department of Health and Human Services continues to issue waivers to businesses and insurance companies.

Senator Jeff Merkley has called raising the age "a virtual death sentence."

But lowering the age would increase Medicare's efficiency, improve our health, lengthen our lives, and reduce what we spend on healthcare.

Tell Congress and the President to make the eligibility age for Medicare zero!
Send your message @:



Ratify the 1972 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

We petition the Obama administration to:

Vigorously support women’s rights by fully engaging in efforts to ratify the 1972 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

There are currently 35 states that have ratified the ERA and legal analysis suggests we may need just three more states for women to have equal rights under our Constitution. We ask you to support our efforts nationwide, particularly in the states that have not yet ratified the ERA: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, N. Carolina, Oklahoma, S. Carolina, Utah, and Virginia. We also ask you to place your full support behind Congressional legislation to eliminate deadlines on the original 1972 ERA. It is time our Constitution protects the rights of women, and women need and deserve active participation in ERA advocacy from the White House.

Created: Jan 10, 2013

Issues: Civil Rights and Liberties, Human Rights, Women’s Issues

Learn about Petition Thresholds

Sign petition@:

Signatures needed by February 10, 2013 to reach goal of 25,000

Total signatures on this petition

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Slideshow: The Truth About Vitamin D

Vitamin D: Wonder Pill or Overkill?

Wouldn’t it be great if one vitamin could build stronger bones and protect against diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, and depression? Or even help you lose weight? Researchers have high hopes for vitamin D -- which comes from our skin's reaction to sunlight, a few foods, and supplements. Learn the facts in the slides ahead … and see who's at risk for a "D" deficiency.


The “party of growth” has announced that it’s looking to cut 0.7 percentage points off our GDP growth rate. “I think the sequester is going to happen,” Paul Ryan said on Meet the Press, referring to the set of spending cuts scheduled to hit March 1—cuts that would mainly target defense spending, but also the EPA and other public services. The Washington Post‘s Ezra Klein finds Paul Ryan less than credible, writing that Republicans “are so desperate for a hostage they can actually shoot, that they’re willing to point the gun at their own head and threaten to pull the trigger.”

Sensationalist metaphors aside, we prefer to think of the GOP as an angry old man firing pistol shots at the sky in an abandoned parking lot—that is, Klein is right and the GOP threats are mostly bluster. So while it seems like nobody’s going to get hurt over the upcoming sequester showdown (except possibly the Republicans), it’s also important for progressives to pay attention and help ensure major cuts don’t happen—just like they did in the recent round of debt-ceiling negotiations. Then maybe everyone can come out of this thing unscathed.
From The Balance Sheet

Madeleine Korbelová Albright

Madeleine Korbelová Albright (born May 15, 1937) was the first woman to become the United States Secretary of State. She was nominated by US President Bill Clinton on December 5, 1996, and was unanimously confirmed by a U.S. Senate vote of 99–0. She was sworn in on January 23, 1997.

Albright currently serves as a Professor of International Relations at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service. She holds a PhD from Columbia University. She holds honorary degrees from Brandeis University (1996); the University of Washington (2002); Smith College (2003); University of Winnipeg (2005); the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2007), and Knox College (2008).[3] In May 2012, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by US President Barack Obama.[4] Secretary Albright also serves as a Director on the Board of the Council on Foreign Relations.[5]
Albright is fluent in English, French, Russian, and Czech; she speaks and reads Polish and Serbo-Croatian as well. (Wikipedia)


Take a pledge to help protect women from violence. Ask your senator to cosponsor S. 47., which would reauthorize VAWA with strengthened protections for all women. For details about contacting your senator, visit:

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Official Twitter feed of GREY2K USA, a non-profit organization that works to pass greyhound protection laws, end dog racing, and promote greyhound adoption.
Somerville, MA ·

Worldwatch Institute

Worldwatch Institute @WorldwatchInst

Global environmental research organization focused on advancing low-carbon energy, creating a healthy future for agriculture, and developing a green economy.

Washington, D.C. ·

 Sustainable Buildings

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

War on Wolves In The Rockies

It’s the most powerful weapon anti- wolf advocates have. It will happen so quickly they won’t have a second to escape. Idaho’s wolves could soon be gunned down from the sky — and we need to fight this now!

“It” is the federal government. Specifically all the wildlife-killing resources of the federal Wildlife Services agency – people and planes or helicopters.

Last year, Idaho called in Wildlife Services to kill wolves in the central part of the state to artificially boost game populations in the region – and it appears that they’re planning on doing it again.

Today, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved a proposal to pay Wildlife Services $50,000 to launch a new round of wolf killing – which could include aerial gunning of wolves under the excuse of artificially inflating elk herds to make hunting them easier. This death-by-helicopter or airplane plan is misguided and wrong!

Our work to save wolves and other wildlife is unique and ambitious — and so is our goal – help us raise $100,000 to ensure that we can continue to fight for Idaho’s wolves and other wildlife.
Idaho Fish and Game officials have a completely unproven theory – that wiping out entire packs of wolves in elk country will help hunters be more successful in killing elk.

We’ve seen no evidence to support this likely aerial slaughter, and no reason for President Obama and his Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to approve it. Instead, it’s just one more excuse to treat wolves as vermin, rather than the magnificent creatures that they are, and to completely ignore their rightful place in the ecosystem.

More than 400 wolves have been killed in Idaho in the past year:
Recruiting and mobilizing grassroots wolf supporters to speak out against this wildlife travesty.
Convincing the Obama administration and Congress to rein in Wildlife Services and stop wasting resources on pointless efforts to kill wolves to appease anti-wolf hunters.
Coordinating efforts with other groups fighting for wolf conservation.
Reaching out to the media to evoke public outrage over this senseless proposal.
Serving as a watchdog to monitor this and other anti-wolf proposals in the Idaho legislature.
Supporting our coexistence work – our work on the ground with ranchers has saved countless wolves by protecting livestock with non-lethal deterrents.

These efforts, of course, are in addition to our tireless work to protect wolves in neighboring states, including Wyoming and Montana.

Jamie Rappaport Clark
Defenders of Wildlife

Idaho Wolf by Alex Clarke

The NRA won’t support Arizona’s new gun bill: A new Arizona bill is trying to make it a crime to enforce federal gun laws. Even the NRA wants no part of this by Alex Seitz-Wald, Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 02:40 PM EST.

Arizona is a place where you can get a family photograph with Santa holding an AK-47, where state lawmakers point pink pistols at reporters, and where men tote AR-15s to political protests. And if one state representative gets his way, gun-loving Arizonans won’t have to worry about pesky federal gun control laws, because it will be illegal to enforce them.

Republican state Rep. Steve Smith proposed a bill last week that would prohibit public officials in the state from following any federal gun laws or regulations, fearing an effort by the Obama administration to impose harsh new restrictions on firearms. That means no background checks, no restrictions on automatic weapons or grenade launchers, and no prohibition on sale to the mentally ill, unless the state enacts its own restrictions, none of which are laid out in Smith’s bill.

While there is no penalty specified for state and local officials who follow federal law, federal judges or law enforcement agents would face felony charges punishable by up to a year in state prison. “Here’s a line in the sand: Thanks, but no thanks. Stay out with your federal regulations you’re going to impose on us,” Smith said.

HB 2291 would almost certainly be unconstitutional, as federal law trumps state law, and Smith acknowledged that there would probably be legal challenges that would have to be worked out in the courts. But he appears to be trying to get around this problem by making his legislation apply only to firearms that are manufactured in and never leave the state of Arizona, presumably in an attempt to thwart the Commerce Clause, which allows Congress to regulate interstate trade. Still, the Supreme Court has not been sympathetic to similar arguments.

And the Constitution isn’t Smith’s only problem; he’s catching some friendly fire too. Todd Rathner, an Arizona resident who sits on the board of the National Rifle Association, told the Capitol News Service that he doesn’t like the bill because of what it would do to gun dealers, who must receive federal licenses and comply with federal regulations.

“I worry about putting federal firearms licensees in the middle of a fight between us and the federal government,” he said. “It puts them between a rock and a hard place because they worry about committing a federal crime or a state crime.”

Indeed, Smith’s law specifies that firearms dealers would be barred from following the regulations mandated by the federal government to maintain their license. Still, Rathner said of Smith’s proposal, “I like the message he’s trying to send.”

Arizona isn’t the only state considering what amounts to a lite form of secession over guns. In Mississippi, Gov. Phil Bryant and state House Speaker Philip Gunn have both said they intend to block any new Obama executive orders on gun control. South Carolina lawmakers have made similar moves as well. But Arizona’s law goes much further, by not only restricting new regulations but also all existing ones, targeting “any act, law, statute, rule or regulation” from Washington on guns.

Also, keep in mind that the NRA’s objection to the legislation is not that it is unconstitutional or that it might make it easier for criminals to acquire weapons, but that it would hurt firearms dealers. If Smith rewrote the law to exempt dealers, one wonders if the NRA would be OK with the rest of it.
Alex Seitz-Wald

Alex Seitz-Wald is Salon's political reporter. Email him at, and follow him on Twitter @aseitzwald.

Image: Gun rights supporters stand outside the Capitol Sat, Jan. 19, 2013 in Phoenix during a Guns Across America rally. (Credit: AP/Matt York)

We think too small. Like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view.
~Mao Zedong

Sounds like the current GOPTP.

"Most current biomedical research use of chimpanzees is unnecessary"

At last, our federal government understands: A chimpanzee should no more live in a laboratory than a human should live in a phone booth. A plan unveiled today by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) means that we're joining the rest of the modern world and taking concrete steps to end cruel and archaic experiments on the 900 chimpanzees currently locked in U.S. laboratories.

At a historic meeting this afternoon, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) committee recommended that the agency cut funding for seven of the nine current taxpayer-funded grants for biomedical experiments on chimpanzees and fully or partially cut funding for 12 of 13 behavioral studies. With regard to the fate of these 360 NIH-owned chimpanzees, the committee stated that "the majority of NIH-owned chimpanzees should be designated for retirement and transferred to the federal sanctuary system. Planning should start immediately ...."
You may recall that last month, NIH also announced plans to retire to an accredited sanctuary more than 100 additional federally owned chimpanzees from Louisiana's notorious New Iberia Research Center.

NIH's monumental moves follow the landmark 2011 finding of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) that "most current biomedical research use of chimpanzees is unnecessary." After the release of that report, NIH formed a committee to determine, among other things, which taxpayer-funded projects should be cut off and how many chimpanzees should be retired. PETA submitted recommendations calling for a complete end to experimentation on chimpanzees to both the IOM and NIH during these deliberations.

PETA will continue to press the government to end experimentation on chimpanzees entirely, as we have since 1986 and as has already been done in every other country aside from the tiny African nation of Gabon...

Kathy Guillermo
Senior Vice President
Laboratory Investigations Department

Target: Indianhead Rifle and Pistol Club, Spooner, WI Sponsored by: Susan V Spooner Elementary School in Wisconsin has been hosting a gun show for a local rifle and pistol club for decades. But in the aftermath of the Newtown shootings, some community members have rightly raised objections, and now the school board will vote on the issue. The club’s owner told Think Progress that its members have as much sympathy for the families of the Newtown victims as anyone else, but they don’t associate the tragedy with their show. It is only about convenience, not “shock value,” he said. But others say they are very shocked to learn the club would even consider another show at the school. Another point of contention is that the club will exploit the “gun show loophole” to profit from selling guns on grounds where state law otherwise prohibits them Connecting guns with schools in any way sends the wrong message. Tell the gun club that schools aren’t the place for gun shows. Sign the petition at: —————————————————————————– Editor’s Corner: “The club’s owner told Think Progress that its members have as much sympathy for the families of the Newtown victims as anyone else…” Sympathy is NOT empathy; Sympathy is NOT common sense; Sympathy is NOT logic and reason; and, SYMPATHY does not teach our children about the moral imperative.


Target: Indianhead Rifle and Pistol Club, Spooner, WI

Sponsored by: Susan V

Spooner Elementary School in Wisconsin has been hosting a gun show for a local rifle and pistol club for decades. But in the aftermath of the Newtown shootings, some community members have rightly raised objections, and now the school board will vote on the issue.
The club’s owner told Think Progress that its members have as much sympathy for the families of the Newtown victims as anyone else, but they don’t associate the tragedy with their show. It is only about convenience, not “shock value,” he said.

But others say they are very shocked to learn the club would even consider another show at the school. Another point of contention is that the club will exploit the “gun show loophole” to profit from selling guns on grounds where state law otherwise prohibits them

Connecting guns with schools in any way sends the wrong message. Tell the gun club that schools aren’t the place for gun shows.

Sign the petition at:

Editor’s Corner:

“The club’s owner told Think Progress that its members have as much sympathy for the families of the Newtown victims as anyone else…”

Sympathy is NOT empathy; Sympathy is NOT common sense; Sympathy is NOT logic and reason; and, SYMPATHY does not teach our children about the moral imperative.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Temps Wanted: Apply U.S. Senate

Ultra Radical Right Cons in the Senate propose a bill and the President agrees with their proposal; then, an "anonymous" senator states he/she is against the bill and invokes the filibuster, killing the bill before it reaches the floor for a vote. Sometimes, the very Cons who wrote the bill are the ones who "filibuster" it.

Here's a thought: If their commitment is so impermanent, instead of senatorial elections, let's just use temps from Kelly Services; they would work for less money; they would actually show up every day; and, they would be more productive.

Write About That Which You Know Best

A great writer reveals the truth even when he or she does not wish to. ~Tom Bissell

Sunday, January 20, 2013


If Christ, the man, returned today; hung out with his old crowd; and, preached his message of faith, hope and charity=compassion and tolerance for all, the far right and the evangelicals would turn Pharisee on him; run him out of town; and, immediately form a new caucus to pick a messiah who would toe the party line, and never deviate from their ideological scripts.

We came from the primordial slime; and, shed all of our scales, except for the ones that can still blind us all.

It is by dropping them, one by one, that we perceive, process, learn, and grow; hopefully, we then use that new found knowledge to leave the world a better place when we leave it, than it was when we entered it.

The Road Most Taken

I have learned the hard way that projection into the future can be an obstruction in the present; with opportunities lost because of time and energies spent dreaming about the "what ifs", rather than actually making the journey, itself.

 Perhaps it is fear of rejection and/or fear of continual disappointment. Imaginative people can fall into the trap of creating an experience in their minds that usually does not exist in reality~then, abject disappointment. After so many disappointments, one can either try to reprogram a few brain synapses, or just withdraw into one's own safe world, where everything works out exactly as planned, and there is always a fairy tale ending. 

I spent years doing the latter; but, oddly enough, it was by losing all the "things" that I once held so dear, that has enabled me to once again appreciate substance. Even though I am currently limping along that long and winding road, at least I am on it, again.

The Women of FOX/FNC/Right Wing Radio

Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter and their platoon of ultra orthodox GOP/TP women, fail to understand that the very liberal and progressive women, whom they attack on a regular basis, are the very reason that they have the opportunities to advance in their still-male-dominated professions.

The women on the FOX show "The Five" were selected based, to some degree, on intelligence; but, primarily upon their physical attractiveness which appeals to the FOX base of older white males, according to recent articles published on line. They are dressed and made-up to look live living dolls:

Why radically conservative women have sold themselves short; accepted this chauvinistic assessment of their intrinsic worth; and, straddle the fence with one foot in the 21st century, and the other foot in the1950s, is disturbing.

Ingraham is famous for stating "A recent study in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine indicated that abstinence-based education programs are effective — more students remain chaste after taking the classes (two-thirds) and young people learn to respect their bodies. In poll after poll, parents prefer that their children learn the virtue of abstinence before marriage."

This is blatantly fallacious. The rise of STDs, including HIV/AIDS, in the southern states is appalling: Studies have proven that the reason most often cited by these adolescents and teens is that "they must be virgins when they marry, so they engage in oral sex, only.

This is blatantly fallacious. The rise of STDs, including HIV/AIDS, in the southern states is appalling: Studies have proven that the reason most often cited by these adolescents and teens is that "they must be virgins when they marry, so they engage in oral sex, only.

If Ingraham wants to serve the public, perhaps she should cite negative results arising from abstinence-based programs that fail to educate.

Perhaps, Ann Coulter, one of Ingraham's accomplices in Lies=Truth, sums it up best: "Only pretty women are Republican"; “I love to engage in repartee with people who are stupider than I am.” Which answers the question as to why she appears so often on Hannity and O'Reilly~(FNC); "If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."; and, “I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote..

 I think that there should be both, plus an MMPI and an extensive psychiatric evaluation, before Ingraham, Coulter and their compatriots, who speak and act as if they wish they had been born males, are permitted to launch their irrational tirades on TV and Con-talk radio, which result in more cases of brain damage than any physical disease or trauma could produce.

Free speech is one thing; free speech that is full of inaccuracies and harmful rhetoric, is another. Lies and distortions, dressed up as the truth by these attractive women of the radical right, is as dangerous as shouting fire in a crowded theater.
1963 – The Equal Pay Act of 1963 was amended. This prohibited sex-based wage discrimination between men and women in the same establishment doing similar work.


I believe that there is no causal synchronization.

I do not believe in cause and effect synchronization.

I am a devout believer in synchronicity ~ it is an experience that does not need an explanation in terms of cause and effect.

 Symbol for Synchronicity
Synchronicity consists of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated, or unlikely to occur together by mere chance, yet are experienced (or, perceived,) as occurring together in a significant manner. 
The definition of synchronicity was first cloaked in this terminology by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung: The concept does not question, nor does it compete with, the idea of causality; but, it does maintain that, just as events may be grouped by cause, they may also be grouped by meaning. 
A grouping of events by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of cause and effect; ergo, the definition of life--QED.

  Symbol for Synchronicity

"Bonfire of the Vanities Redux: Inside The Beltway"

Traders of Wall Street vs. Traders of Dead End Street

Insider Trading vs. Insider Trading

Corporate Raiders vs. Social Programs Raiders

Wall Street: Buy low-Sell high

Congress: Buy in-Sell Out

Vulture Capitalists vs. Ayn Rand Capitalists

NYSE vs. D.C. Soul Exchange aka Do-(Nothing)-Cons


ATTN: CON-Constructionists

The only action which the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees, is that the federal government cannot take away your muskets and your flintlock pistols.


U.S. Congress overflowing with Reps & Senators with Napoleonic complexes: Nixon had his Watergate; Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, et al, shall have their Waterloo.

Secure Our Planet For Future Generations: Preserve The Rights Of All Life Forms

 Stop~listen~ become educated:
There are better ways


Selfish hunters who continue to use lead ammo, which birds and other animals can consume--and die, are unpatriotic.

We are, in theory, a civilized G-8 nation. We do not need to butcher horses in order to export horse meat overseas for human consumption.

Help protect our animal companions: It's nice to have a little heartbeat around the house.

  Porpoises are friendly, sentient aquatic life forms, which do not deserve to be slaughtered because a government cannot, or will not, address this issue.

Violence Against Women Act

Apparently, a woman needs to be a member of the (DAR)~Daughters of the American Revolution; a bona fide member of the  (GSMD)~General Society of Mayflower Descendants; or, a certified member of the (UDC)~United Daughters of the Confederacy, in order for the GOP to classify her as a "legitimate" victim of domestic violence...and, just forget about members of the LGBT community.

As for Native Americans, the GOP does not want to increase the authority of the tribal councils/tribal law enforcement officials.

 Boehner, Cantor and the rest of the Tea Party Tribe, should be required to meet with every man/woman who has experienced domestic violence, and/or explain to grieving families and friends why they are burying their loved ones.

Stop Gun Violence

(NRA): National Rifle Association:
"Guns do not kill people~people kill people."

(AWIQO70): Americans With IQs Over 70:
How many home runs did Hank Aaron hit without a bat?!

As long as humans have egos, the killing of our sisters and our brothers in America shall never stop. However, every state must be required to have the same strict ID laws and waiting periods, and the same limits on the number of weapons and ammo that can be purchased within a specific time parameter.
President Obama must reinstate the ban on assault rifles; and, the ATF needs to ensure that the regulations, with respect to the selling , of any apparatus which converts a semi-automatic to a fully automatic weapon at gun shows, be strictly enforced. Phone~Text~Email~Write~ your Senators and Representatives. Thank you!

Gun Safety

Every day in the USA, more and more of our future generations are lost to gun violence; and, in many cases, primarily due to the lack of uniform across-the-states legislation that would mandate strict ID laws; waiting periods; a limit on the number of guns (and ammo) that can be purchased within a specified time parameter; gun show operators who are lax about enforcing state requirements, and who sell the mechanism which easily converts a semi to an auto; and, we need a federal database. accessible by every state, in order to check for names on the Terrorist Watch List; diagnosed mentally ill individuals with criminal histories; undocumented aliens; and, convicted felons.

Random Observations

 The current members of the GOP/TP pack make Cujo seem normal at the end.

Attn: Grover Norquist~Your spell has been broken by the "kiss my bloody arse" mandate, which the American electorate handed to Barack Obama, on 11-06-12.

To ambush a nemesis such as the President of the United States, it is always recommended to attack from the superior high ground position, not from inside a deep hole, such as Boehner & McConnell keep digging.

Too many of the ultra-orthodox right wing members of the TPGOP party react on a visceral level, and then attack: Most progressive liberals utilize the rational thought process, and then act.

Attn: GOPTP Forget what doctors say: Purchase a box of Q-Tips; clean out your ears; and, hear the ultimatum of the American citizens: Change, or post your resumes on CB.

Bitterness clouds judgment; Senator John McCain should be above that; but, hubris can vanquish any mere mortal.

It is hubris that has permeated the GOP/TP, that the Constitution can be correctly interpreted only by ultra right wing radicals, just as evangelicals preach that their literal interpretation of the Christian Bible is the only one which is correct: Establish one set of rules for right wing fanatics; promulgate Con/TP ideology, above all else; and, marginalize those Americans who dare to disagree, by calling them Socialists; Marxists; Commies; and, lazy unpatriotic takers, not makers.