Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Road Most Taken

I have learned the hard way that projection into the future can be an obstruction in the present; with opportunities lost because of time and energies spent dreaming about the "what ifs", rather than actually making the journey, itself.

 Perhaps it is fear of rejection and/or fear of continual disappointment. Imaginative people can fall into the trap of creating an experience in their minds that usually does not exist in reality~then, abject disappointment. After so many disappointments, one can either try to reprogram a few brain synapses, or just withdraw into one's own safe world, where everything works out exactly as planned, and there is always a fairy tale ending. 

I spent years doing the latter; but, oddly enough, it was by losing all the "things" that I once held so dear, that has enabled me to once again appreciate substance. Even though I am currently limping along that long and winding road, at least I am on it, again.

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